
Northwestern University and ż of America Engage in a Joint Venture at the 2016 ż IT Conference in Chicago

The 8th annual will be a joint venture featuring content from two MS programs from the McCormick School of Engineering at Northwestern University.  ż’s IT Steering Committee is very excited to include Northwestern in this year’s conference on August 4 & 5 in downtown Chicago at the Radisson Blu hotel.

Attendees will enjoy outstanding presentations on topics such as IT Budgeting, Project Management, Document Management, Project Collaboration, Cybersecurity, Mobile Apps, Affordable Solutions, Connectivity and IoT to name a few.

 “The ż and its IT Steering Committee greatly look forward to having Northwestern join us this year for our conference.  With over 350 IT leaders and professionals from within the construction industry in attendance, this year’s event with Northwestern will be yet another stellar opportunity for networking and professional growth,” says Fara Francis, CIO ż of America. 

The McCormick School of Engineering offers two professionally oriented MS degrees to serve the profession: Master of Project Management (MPM) and Executive Management for Design and Construction (EMDC).  “Courses in these programs are taught by practicing professionals who bring a wealth of real world experience and case histories into the classroom to complement the traditional book learning.  Our alliance with ż for this conference is another example of this philosophy in action and the synergy that can be generated by its implementation,” said Ray Krizek, director of the MS programs.

Howie Piersma, Vice President, IT, Pepper Construction, Chairman, IT Forum Steering Committee, says the conference will encourage people to implement what they’ve learned at their companies.  “I echo Fara’s sentiments and enthusiasm with Northwestern’s participation at the conference this year.  This year’s theme is ‘See IT, Learn IT, Build IT’.  See and hear about current technology. Learn best practices for applying it.   Then, feel confident when returning to your companies and build it,” says Piersma.  

We invite you to join us in Chicago for this great event.  Visit to learn more and to register.