
WebEd: Critital EEO-1 Survey Reporting Requirements Update

May 2, 2019 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm ET

The EEO-1 is an annual survey that requires all private employers with 100 or more employees and federal government contractors or first-tier subcontractors with 50 or more employees and a federal contract, subآ­contract or purchase order amounting to $50,000 or more to file the EEO-1 report. The traditional EEO-1 report (“Component 1â€‌) requires employers to tally employment data by race/ethnicity, gender and job categories.  The recently reinstated “Component 2â€‌ of the report requires employers to query their databases for W-2 pay data and FLSA hours worked information, even though individual pay data is not actually reported to the EEOC. The filing of the EEO-1 report is not voluntary and is required by federal law, but we await a court order regarding the timing of any filing using Component 2 data fields.

The current deadline to file Component 1 is by May 31, 2019, and while clarification is expected soon on possible changes to deadlines and possible appeals regarding Component 2, employers should begin making preparations to determine how to collect, aggregate and report on Component 2 data if and when ultimately required to do so.  If you have never filed an EEO-1 report or have previously, but need an update and refresher, this webinar will help you understand the path that the reporting requirements have taken to get here and strategically consider the data collection requirements and the impact the collection tool will have for your organization.  

The webinar is free to حوإ¼½م½م members. Visit the حوإ¼½م½م WebEd page to register today.

For more information, contact Claiborne Guy at or 703-837-5382.
