Coronavirus - Workforce Development Impacts

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April 16, 2020
Today, our host Leah Pilconis talks with Cory Gattie about how Íæż½ã½ã of America is making infrastructure a key part of our economic recovery suggestions as we work with Congress and the Trump administration to rebuild the economy. Leah also talks with Íæż½ã½ã’s Brynn Huneke about how the association’s… Read More
March 27, 2020
After 42 States Added Jobs in February, Coronavirus is Taking a Swift and Severe Toll on the Industry, Prompting Association Officials to Call for Additional Measures to Help Workers and Firms Recover Thirty-nine percent of contractors report that project owners have halted or canceled current… Read More
March 20, 2020
Coronavirus-caused Slowdown Contrasts with January Figures Showing a Majority of Metro Areas Added Construction Jobs; Officials Note New Infrastructure Funding and Paid Family Leave Fixes are Needed The coronavirus pandemic has caused more than one out of four contractors to halt or delay work on… Read More
March 17, 2020
Construction Firms Are Already Taking Steps to Protect Employees, Most of Whom Already Wear Protective Equipment, While Halting Work Will Undermine Efforts to Add Hospital Capacity The chief executive officer of the Associated General Contractors of America, Stephen E. Sandherr, issued the… Read More