In a new “Why Should YOU Adopt Leanâ€‌ educational material series, members of the حوإ¼½م½م Lean Construction Committee integrate impactful research with approachable “get startedâ€‌ guide to help more contractors adopt Lean Construction Methodology in the field.

We are excited to announce the opening of the 2024 Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Assessment, a resource designed exclusively for construction firms. This tool empowers companies to establish a baseline, measure progress, and celebrate successes in their D&I programs, policies, and practices.

حوإ¼½م½م is partnering with the Lean Construction Institute and Dodge Construction Network to study the national utilization of Lean in design and construction. The 12-15 minute survey will reveal important benchmarking data to determine the progress of Lean use throughout the industry, and we invite you to participate. As a construction professional, your input is critical to the success of this study, whether you utilize Lean or not. This research will determine the degree to which the design and construction industry is aware of and utilizing the specific Lean practices and provide the comparative data needed to understand trends based on previous years’ studies. Click on this link to take the survey. Please complete the survey by Friday, July 12th.

حوإ¼½م½م hosts virtual member orientations on a quarterly basis to provide an overview of the member benefits, resources, and opportunities available from حوإ¼½م½م of America. Whether your company has just joined, or has been a member for years, this informative session will help ensure that you are maximizing your membership. Register today to learn more about how حوإ¼½م½م can help you and your colleagues grow your business and your career.