
New Report Details Massive Federal Funding Gap For Workforce Prep Compared To Degree Programs Despite Persistent Labor Needs


Only one-fifth of federal investments in postsecondary education support workforce development for fields like construction and manufacturing, while the rest of the money goes to “traditionalâ€‌ degree programs according to a new report on federal workforce funding levels released today. The report, which was produced by the Progressive Policy Institute, the Associated General Contractors of America and Procore, notes that this funding gap is making it hard for many employers to find qualified workers to hire.

“If the U.S. does not act now to ensure the nation’s workforce is prepared for open job opportunities, more Americans will be unqualified for work and employers will continue to struggle to find talent and remain competitive,â€‌ the report notes. “Yet policymakers continue to undervalue the importance of workforce development and instead prioritize investments in degree programs that often aren’t needed to get a good job.â€‌

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