
CLC Member Highlight: Joe Tiernan, The Builders' Association

In 2011, Joe Tiernan was 22 and starting his career as a producer with Holmes Murphy, an independent risk management and insurance brokerage firm, at their headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa. He and his wife Victoria were newly engaged, and the thought of enhancing the presence of one of their satellite offices within the construction community appealed to his adventurous side. He took a leap of faith and moved to their growing office in Kansas City.

 “I didn’t know a single person in town, but the CLC proved to be a great way to make friends, business contacts, and learn the industry from the front lines,” recalled Joe. He joined the CLC Steering Committee in 2015 and was Philanthropy Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Vice Chair before becoming 2019 Chair.

Shining a Positive Light

One night in August 2018, Joe was scrolling LinkedIn when he happened across a video of Eric Borden’s “Ditch Diggers” poem. In the poem Eric, a Heavy Equipment Operator, pays tribute to the men and women in the field who advance our quality of life. “I felt compelled to find Eric’s phone number, call him, and tell him thank you for sharing the poem,” Joe wrote in his LinkedIn blog. “Since that first call, we’ve become great friends. His ethics, values, principles, and the way he values people from all walks of life amaze me.”

Last fall, Joe spoke with Don Greenwell, Executive Director of the Kansas City Chapter, ż, and John Branham, then-President of the KC Chapter, about the video’s potential as a recruiting tool. This led to the ż of America reproducing the video, which ultimately provided the backdrop for Eric’s recitation of the poem at the opening of the ż’s 100th Annual Convention in Denver on April 1, 2019. Eric was featured on the cover of the July/August 2019 Constructor, the ż’s bimonthly magazine. In the accompanying article Joe, described as one of Eric’s “biggest supporters,” is quoted extensively.

Leading the CLC

Joe’s primary goal as CLC Chair is “to leave it in a better position than it was at the beginning of the year. One thing I want more than anything is to increase engagement. You’ve got to provide value to those who are attending and to the companies who are paying for them to attend.

“We’ve been seeking individuals who are interested in getting more involved and plugging them into committees like The Builders’ Association Scholarship Golf Committee,” he stated. “Last year the CLC funded a full $3,000 Scholarship, and this year we’re positioned to do it again.”

As CLC Chair, Joe attends board meetings of The Builders’ Association and KC Chapter, ż. “Attendance at board meetings allows us to update board members and enlist their support for CLC activities, because CLC members are important to the future of both organizations,” said Joe.

Joe and Victoria have two daughters, Grace and Vivienne, and are expecting their first boy in April 2020.

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