
Alabama حوإ¼½م½م CLC: See a Need - Fill a Need

In January of 2019, the new leadership group of Mobile AL CLC met to discuss the goals for the 2019 calendar year. Among these goals were to encourage حوإ¼½م½م leaders to guide their young people to CLC, engage current CLC members and recruit others, find new and creative meeting formats and community service projects.

Of all the events Mobile CLC plans, the community service project is the hardest to get members excited about. Picking up trash on the side of the road is valuable for the community but it doesn’t garner much enthusiasm from members.

In 2019, the steering committee decided to do something bigger. Mobile CLC has been a long-term sponsor of Ronald McDonald House Charities, raising funds for RMH through an annual clay shoot and other various fundraising activities over the years. After many meetings with حوإ¼½م½م, CLC and Ronald McDonald House leadership in summer 2019, the decision was made to proceed with replacing the outdated 20 year old playground. The goal was to have the new playground completed by the end of 2019.

Through partnerships with Aeiker Construction & Recreation, a local playground contractor, generous financial donations from Ronald McDonald House benefactors, حوإ¼½م½م members and Mobile CLC, as well as significant “in kindâ€‌ donations of time, material, design and construction, Mobile CLC was able to deliver a new playground to the Ronald McDonald House before Thanksgiving 2019.

The new playground features 2 slides, wheelchair accessible areas, sensory features and 25ft tall shade structures. One of the most noticeable improvements is the pour in place rubber safety surface, which makes the entire area safer and easier for the kids to play. The area surrounding the playground also received new benches, trash cans, landscaping and a new water fountain.

This project was the culmination of months of effort from CLC members but would not have been possible without the support of حوإ¼½م½م member companies who encourage their young leaders to get involved. With their support, and that of the local حوإ¼½م½م staff, this project was a great success.
